viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Gay rights

Hi bloggers!

Today I’m going to talk about Gay rights. Well, let’s starts


Why Gay people haven’t rights in our society? Or rather, why they are not treated in the same way as a heterosexual person? If gay people are productive citizens, they work, they studied, they supervise some company, they are police, they can make love and most importantly, they are human beings. I think that people discriminate against gay communities because of sexual preferences involved. Heterosexuals are constantly preaching to society that gay people are "abnormal" because they cannot relate to gay people's sexual views. I think that gay couples should be allowed to marry. How can the gay community screw up the sanctity of marriage worse than we heterosexuals have?


Can heterosexuals consider themselves experts on relationships? We could learn a lot from the gay community. The gay community statistically speaking understands the meaning of relationships. Straight people need to stop being hypocrites. We need to realize that because someone is gay they are no less of a human being than anyone else. I am tired of hear that "It's not natural!" Straight people will make this ignorant comment yet, they will abuse women. I am assuming that homosexuality in some people's eyes is not normal, but abusing women is, this gives me a lot of anger, how is it that in the 21st century there are people who think like. This discrimination should not be acceptable by any means. I am hoping for the time that our country, and around the world, will stop taking the conservative approach to this topic.


Once we can accept the gay community as equals and treat them as the human beings they are. only then will our country be truly free.

1 comentario:

  1. Felipe,

    WC: 329. A bit too many. Interesting point of view, it makes the reader think about who has the right to determine what is "normal" or not.

    Pay attention to your writing, I can see the topic is of your interest, but sometimes it is not as strong as it could be due to mistakes, Remember, people ARE, not "IS".


